Category Archives: Home Safety

5 Things to Teach Your Kids About Electrical Safety

children-electrical-safetyDon’t Let Them Learn By Accident

Young children love to explore, and are curious about the things they find, both inside and outside of your home. If you have kids, you most likely have used outlet protectors and told your young children to not touch or try and put anything into a power outlet. As your children get older, giving them more information about how electricity works and its dangers will help to keep them safe — just remember to keep your lessons simple so they don’t lose interest. Here are five important safety tips to share with the kids in your life. Continue reading

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

winter-power-outageWinter Brings Added Risks

Ice storms, subzero temperatures, and wind can cause unexpected power outages during the winter months. Not having electricity in cold weather can be much more than an inconvenience. Worst case scenario? You and your family might need to find another place to stay to keep warm. If you are faced with a short-term outage, there are things you can do to be better prepared and make sure your family is comfortable. Continue reading

Create an Emergency Plan for Your Family

home emergency kitPrepare for Fire, Flood and Other Disasters

It’s the season of wood burning fires and string upon string of electric lights, so having working smoke detectors in your home is a good place to start when it comes to protecting your family in an emergency. But you should be prepared for more than just an accidental fire. Severe winter storms, flooding, or other emergencies could force you to either evacuate or remain in your home, possibly without power. Experts recommend that you and your family members come up with a plan to be prepared for any number of emergency scenarios. Continue reading

Check Smoke Detectors for Fire Safety

smoke-detectorDaylight Savings Time Tradition

We’ve made the transition from Daylight Savings Time, and along with adjusting your clocks one hour earlier on Sunday morning, did you check your smoke detectors? The National Fire Protection Association reports that three out of every five home fire deaths are caused by fires in houses where there are no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. As we head into a season where many of us burn candles and use wood-burning fireplaces and space heaters, it becomes extremely important to have smoke detectors that will alert your family in the event of a house fire. Continue reading